We Are Washington DC
Welcome to High School Internship Program

Thank you for expressing interest in High School Internship Program(HSIP). The HSIP brings together private sector employers, community-based organizations, Federal government, and District government agencies to provide District youth who are between the ages of 14-21 with an array of work experiences to cultivate and stimulate professional and personal career aspirations. Employers in the Washington, DC metropolitan area make this annual program possible by volunteering to serve as Host Employers and providing structured job opportunities for youth during the year. Below, please find the Host Employer Application for the 2024-25 HSIP. An agreement must be completed for your program, agency, business or organization in order to participate as a host employer.

An e-mail address is required for registration. If you do not have an e-mail address, please visit one of the following links below to get a FREE e-mail address before registering:
Sign-Up for a free GMail Account. Sign-Up for a free Yahoo Mail Account. Sign-Up for a free AOL Mail Account.

If you have any questions or require assistance in completing your online Host/Employer Agreement, please contact the Office of Youth Programs at 202.698.3492.
* = Required     

   Host/Employer Information

* Agency/Company Name 
* Company Identifier Type 
* Identification Number 
* Organizational Type 
* Total Youth Requested 
* How will your host site operate?
Please note: Host must receive permission from program to operate virtually or hybrid.
Only 10% of host employers will receive the virtual/hybrid designation.
 If virtual or hybrid please identify your virtual platform
WebEx, Google Classrom, etc.
* As an HSIP host site, are you willing to accept youth with special needs? 
* Has your organization participated in HSIP: 
   Log-in Information

* E-mail Address  * Re-Type E-mail 
* Password  * Re-Type Password 
   Primary Business Address

* Address Line (1) 
 Apt. No. / Suite  * City 
* State  * Postal Code (Zip) 
   Primary Contact
This is the individual who will be contacted by DOES regarding all matters related to your agency/company's participation in HSIP.
* First Name  * Last Name 
* E-mail Address  * Primary Phone   Ext. 
 Secondary Phone   Ext.   Fax Number 
   Secondary Contact
This is the individual who will be contacted by DOES regarding all matters related to your agency/company's participation in HSIP if your Primary Contact is unavailable.
* First Name  * Last Name 
* E-mail Address  * Primary Phone   Ext. 
 Secondary Phone   Ext.   Fax Number 
Additional Information

Please tell us a little more about your agency/organization. This information will help us to better serve you throughout our partnership.

*  In what other services are you interested? 

* Do you plan to hire a HSIP participant after the program ends? 

* Would you like additional information and resources? 

Please check all that apply to your agency/organization:

I will recruit my own youth participants.
I would like for DOES to assist me with identifying youth participants to be assigned to my worksite.
I am interested in participating in other hiring initiatives sponsored by DOES or its partners.
Any other suggestions
You are about to register as a Host Employer for the High School Internship Program. Please note that registration to participate is voluntary. DOES will pay stipends/wages directly to the youth workers assigned to your worksite, but will not provide funding for any additional costs that a Host Employer may incur.
*   Participants are not permitted to report to a work site which they are not assigned. All work site assignments are visible in the participant portal and designated by the Office of Youth Programs (OYP) only. A participant’s failure to report to the assigned work site will result in forfeiture of pay for days in attendance at the incorrect site.
*   I have read and understand the statement above. I agree to participate as a Host Employer for the 2024-25 HSIP and understand that DOES will not provide additional funds outside of the stipends/wages provided directly to youth participants.

DOES is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Provider

Language interpretation services are available without cost.

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request for individuals with disabilities.

Notice of Non-Discrimination
In accordance with the D.C. Human Rights Act of 1977, as amended, D.C. Official Code Section 2-1401.01 et seq., (Act) the District of Columbia does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, disability, source of income, or place of residence or business. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is also prohibited by the Act. In addition, harassment based upon any of the above protected categories is prohibited by the Act. Discrimination in violation of the Act will not be tolerated.
Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.